Become a Member, EEP info
ABP Individual Membership application
We are only able to offer Individual Membership
Kindly confirm with ABP, our correct banking account information, before making payment on any invoices received.
ABP Membership fees are 15% VAT exclusive.
If no formal written confirmation has been provided to ABP about renewing / not renewal even after receiving reminders about renewal date latest being 31 March, it will be assumed that you no longer wish to remain an ABP Member and will therefore be removed from the mailing list, the website, all ABP social media including LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter) until a written confirmation has been received that you will be renewing membership.
ABP Webinar / Training Workshop fees are 15% VAT inclusive.
Please take note of Webinar Ts & Cs when invoice is issued.
Please note that Webinar fees are payable upfront for each Webinar (Webinar fees are NOT included in membership fees).
Current Members to kindly indicate renewal intention and will have until 31 March 2023 to renew membership, if no renewal has been done, we will deem this as a non-verbal resignation and membership will be removed from our mailing list, website, WhatsApp group etc
ABP Disciplinary Code – V4 10 June 2021 new logo
Annexure 20_Disciplinary Committee Flow Chart
Annexure 4_ABP_SAQA_EEP Designation and RPL Policy v3_separate pages
VerificationAnalystQualifications (2)
the dti letter for UNISA and WITS B-BBEE MDP 13062018
0 min – 45 min – 0 CPD
45 min – 90 min – 1 CPD
90 min – 120 min – 2 CPD
EAP Targets, Industry Norms and elective AGM voting rights are only available for current ABP Members in good standing.
ABP has a Technical Committee who is only able to assist current Members
The Economic Empowerment Professional (EEP) designation is a nationally recognised designation only awarded to the Individual Members – BEE Professionals practicing in the field either as BEE Verification Professionals, BEE Consulting Professionals and Corporate Transformation Managers and Practitioners affirming their astute knowledge and skills in the understanding and application of the Codes of Good Practice on B-BBEE. The designation is awarded to experienced persons who have also successfully completed the B-BBEE Management Development Program (MDP) which is a post graduate programme offered by UNISA and Wits Business Enterprise.
Due to the compliance requirements of the “Protection of Personal Information Act”, as set by government, we are required by law to have on file the latest signed membership application forms. The POPI Act has come into effect on the 1st of July 2020, but a 12-month grace period has been given to become POPI-compliant by the 1st of July 2021.
The Association of B-BBEE Professionals (ABP) is an independent national Membership Organisation established to lead the Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Verification Industry as it takes up a vital role in the transformation of the South African economy.
This website serves as a resource for ABP Members, the Verification Industry at large, and for the corporate sector looking for more information on B-BEEE Verification. ABP prides itself on being a valuable tool in the growth of the Verification Industry, and in the advancement and development of B-BBEE good practices in accordance with Government policy.
The amalgamation of Association of BEE Professionals (“ABP”), the National Association of BEE Consultants (“NABC”) and the South African Institute of Professional Accountants (“SAIPA”) has welcomed the merger of the two bodies and has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU”) with the new institute ABP to participate in their initiatives, to serve the interests of the BEE industry.
NABC is the recognised Members’ body for BEE Consultants, while ABP is the recognised Members’ body for BEE Verification Professionals, and considers the amalgamation to be mutually beneficial, establishing a single point of contact for engagement with the dtic, combining its membership to derive economies of scale, align in efforts to professionalise the industry and enhancing the positive impact on transformation and Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment specifically.
The Executive Committees of both organisations have invested considerable time in the last year to engage with the dtic to support changes in legislation and the desired clarification around these changes. We believe that a dedicated BEE Industry Body has a significant role to play in the future of BEE in South Africa and it is our desire to continue to serve on the dtic‘s Joint Technical Committee (“JTC”) in support of the policy.
Why the Amalgamated Body?
- Re-aligning our position – inclusive not exclusive
- Important to speak with ONE voice when representing the industry
- A single Code of Conduct for all industry players – one channel for raising complaints and appeals
- Standardized qualification criteria and a single CPD programme for all Members
- Consistent application of the Codes with the same interpretation
- Unified and intensified engagements with the dtic – BEE Custodian
- Current membership includes BEE Verification Agencies (VAs), Individual BEE Consultants, BEE Consulting Firms, Corporates, Accounting Officers & Auditors
The new ABP
- All three bodies being represented and forming ONE Industry Body
- ABP & NABC Members merges into ABP
- ABP & SAIPA forms a formal working relationship via a MoU
- Caters for all industry players
- BEE Verification Professionals – VAs
- BEE Consulting Professionals – Consultants
- BEE Practising Professionals – Private and Public experts
The benefits
- Stabilized market conditions
- Reputable Professional Body and Members
- Improved standards of BEE Professionals
- Certainty of verification outcomes
- Less points-shopping due to single interpretation
- Leveled playing field
- Consistent transformation outcomes
- Measurable BEE and transformation targets
ABP – professionalizing the industry – raising the bar
- Catalyst for formal engagement with the dtic
- All three Industry Bodies have been representing their Members on formal structures (separately)
- the dtic’s JTC, SANAS STC and other sub-committees
- the B-BBEE MDP Steering Committee
- Market industry-related functions and summits (BEE, procurement and transformation conferences)
- Answered a call by the dtic for a single or consolidated professional Industry Body
- Been working together on professionalizing the industry
Though we do welcome all enquiries ABP receives, kindly note that we are only able to assist current ABP Members.