Dear Colleague,

We have however, noted that your ABP membership has not been renewed and has therefore lapsed. Note that the latest EAP targets, Industry Norms and elective AGM voting rights are only available for current ABP Members in good standing.
That being said, we wish to assure you that reminders for renewal of membership with ABP are sent out regularly on all its available platforms (Outlook, WhatsApp, website and social media) and an extension to renew is also granted to members for a period of 3 months post expiry of membership. Should ABP however, not receive an intention of renewal, it is deemed as tacit resignation and membership is then regretfully removed from the mailing lists, WhatsApp Groups etc.
Should you wish to reinstate your membership with ABP and obtain access to all notifications and the industry updates we provide, please contact Maresce de Saldanha at info@abp.org.za at your earliest convenience.
Lizel Loibner-Smuts
Director: Membership Development Portfolio